Teaching Children the Power of Intention in Reiki

Reiki is not just about energy, it's also about intention. As Reiki Master Teachers working with children, it's important to introduce them to the significance of setting intentions in their Reiki practice. Concepts like intention setting can be difficult for some kids to understand.  Below you will find simple ways of communicating to children why it is important to set intentions in Reiki, how to set intentions, and a simple exercise for practicing intention setting.

How to Explain the Importance of Intention Setting in Reiki to Kids:

  1. Focus and Direction: Setting an intention is like having a special wish or goal in mind during a Reiki session. It helps you focus your energy and direct it toward a specific purpose, making your practice more effective.

  2. Positive Energy: Intentions infuse your Reiki session with positive energy. When you set an intention, you’re making a plan for healing and positivity. Having a plan makes the Reiki energy work even better.

  3. Empowerment: Intentions empower you. They give you a sense of control and purpose in your healing journey. By setting intentions, you become an active participant in your own healing process.

Explaining How to Set Intentions for a Reiki Session to Children:

  1. The Power of Words: Explain that they can use words to set their intentions. Introduce phrases like, "I will," "I am," or "I want to," and let them practice forming simple intentions with these words.

  2. Creating a Clear Picture: Once children are able to state in words what their intentions are, encourage them to picture the intention in their mind.  For example, if they want to help some feel better, they should imagine an image of that person feeling happy and healthy.

  3. Using Positive Language: Encourage them to use positive language when setting intentions. For instance, instead of saying, "I don't want to feel scared," they can say, "I want to feel brave and strong."

A Simple Intention-Setting Exercise for Children:

  1. The Picture-Perfect Exercise:

    • Give each child a piece of paper and some colorful markers or crayons.

    • Explain that they're going to create a picture that represents what they want to happen during their Reiki session.

    • Let them know that they won’t be judged on their art, the picture is more about getting the image clear in their mind than what it looks like. 

  2. Group Circle Intentions:

    • Gather the children in a circle.

    • Ask each child to share the picture of their intention with the group, if they feel comfortable.

    • Encourage the other children to offer supportive and positive words for each intention, creating a collective intention-setting experience.

  3. Intention-Enhanced Reiki Session:

    • During a Reiki session, guide the children to hold their picture of their intentions in their minds.

    • Encourage them to send Reiki energy to their intentions, imagining their wishes becoming brighter and stronger.

As Reiki Master Teachers, we can empower the next generation with the skills they develop as Reiki practitioners. Not only is it important for their Reiki practice, but learning to set intentions will help them manifest better experiences when applied to any area of their life.  Through intention setting, children learn that they hold the key to their own happiness and well-being.