Cultivating Gratitude with Reiki this Thanksgiving

The Reiki Principles remind us to practice gratitude each day, but this week the theme of gratitude will be particularly present for many of us.  I have to admit, I have mixed feelings about Thanksgiving.  When I think of the paper Pilgram hats and Indian feathers that I was instructed to make and wear as a child and the stories that went with them, I cringe.  However, I am a huge fan of coming together with friends and family to celebrate the abundance we’ve received in the last year. 

I believe that in giving thanks we are always inviting more to be thankful for.  Gratitude produces a very high vibration of energy that makes us feel good and spreads those good feelings to those around us.  Master Usui believed that gratitude was a key to happiness and health, and I fully agree.  There have now been numerous studies proving the benefits of gratitude on physical and mental health.

Here are some suggestions keep gratitude front and center in your life and in your Reiki practice this week:

  1. Recite the Reiki Principles – We should do this twice a day, reciting the words with our mouths and feeling them in our hearts.  Remember to begin and end each day this way and, just for today, be grateful for all your blessings. 

  2. Create a Gratitude List – Write down everything you are grateful for.  When you are finished, hold the list in your hands or put it in your Reiki box.  As you let Reiki flow to your list and people, pets, places, and things on it, focus on really feeling gratitude and giving thanks. 

  3. Self-Reiki – Self Reiki sessions are a wonderful way to show gratitude to ourselves.  As you are going through the hand placements, think of everything your body does for you.  Give thanks to each part of your body as you give it Reiki. 

  4. Bless Gathering with Reiki – As you gather with friends and family, invoke Reiki to be with you and to support you in surrounding everyone with love, gratitude, and healing. 

  5. Reiki the Food – Remember to give Reiki to food while or after preparing it.  As you give the food Reiki, focus on how grateful you are to have it to eat and for the process it had to go through to make it your table.

  6. Give Thanks for Your Practice – Sit quietly and reflect on the gratitude you feel for Reiki.  Think about the events that led you to Reiki, your Reiki Master, Master Usui for founding this system, Masters Hayashi and Takata for helping it to become what it is today and give thanks for them as well as yourself for taking this path.  Give thanks for everyone you have been able to help with Reiki. 

Invite Reiki to be part of your Thanksgiving celebrations this year.  This week, infuse your life and practice with gratitude. Recite the Reiki Principles, create a Gratitude List, engage in self-Reiki, bless gatherings, Reiki the food, and express thanks for your Reiki journey. By doing so, you can celebrate this season in alignment with the healing energy of gratitude, fostering happiness and well-being for yourself and others.