Answering Objections to Teaching Kids Reiki

As the author of Reiki educational material for children, I have heard some objections to teaching kids Reiki.  While most Reiki practitioners are very accepting of the idea, there are some who believe that it isn’t right to teach Reiki to children.  I understand their concerns and would like to take time to answer the top five objections I hear against Reiki training for kids. 

Children can’t focus long enough or retain information well enough to learn Reiki.

Reiki is a rather simple method of healing and is easy to learn.  The material that I put together for teaching kids Reiki simplifies all of the information taught in adult classes without changing the substance of it.  The Level 1 Reiki for Kids material is simple enough for children as young as five to understand and remember.  The Level 2 Reiki material is more appropriate for older children, as there are more complex ideas introduced.   

Reiki classes can be customized for children by adding more hands-on activities, role playing, and taking frequent breaks from the material to move, play, and refresh.  Reiki Kids classes can be made fun and engaging enough for children to stay focused and really absorb the information you are giving presenting to them. 

Healing is too much responsibility for children.

This concern can be easily addressed through clear and ethical training.  It is important to address the difference between healing and curing with children.  They need to understand that not everyone can be cured.  Children are able to comprehend that Reiki is a tool used to channel energy to help people feel better and that we can’t be sure how much it will help or what the end result may be.  As long as Reiki Masters do not present Reiki as a way to cure or a guaranteed healing method, children will not take it as such. The same information should be taught in adult classes so this will not be unfamiliar to experienced Reiki Masters who choose to train children. 

Learning Reiki will give children a superhero complex.

Children have a natural desire to be helpful and to serve others.  Introducing Reiki as a tool to help them practice empathy and compassion address that desire.  During training, a Reiki Master will explain that anyone can learn Reiki, you don’t have to be different or special.  They will also explain that not everything can be helped or cured with Reiki.  As long as these points are clearly made during training, there is no reason to believe Reiki would give a child a superhero complex and I have never heard of any instances where this has happened. 

Children don’t even understand what Reiki is.  It is the parents who want them to learn.

In my experience, it is often watching a parent practice Reiki that sparks a child’s interest.  They want to do what mom or dad is doing.  Young children will often pretend to practice Reiki if they see a parent practice regularly.  It is this interest, coupled with their own positive experiences, that causes most parents to consider Reiki training for their children.  Others just want their children to have the opportunity to develop such a wonderful skill.  Classes should never be forced on a child, but just because they don’t have a clear understanding of what Reiki is, doesn’t mean they can’t learn, and they won’t grow to love it on their own.  Most adults don’t have a clear understanding of Reiki before training either.

Children don’t really know what they want.  You shouldn’t commit to a practice like Reiki until you are an adult. 

It’s true that children have a lot of passing fancies and that Reiki may be one of them.  That is okay, though.  Even adults may start out enthusiastic and lose interest over time.  A Reiki attunement is forever, and they can always return to the practice later if they choose to.  What is great is knowing that a child has that skill in their back pocket should they need it.  We can never give our kids too many ways to care for themselves and others. 

I hope that I have addressed these objections in a way that brings clarity to the subject of Reiki training for kids.  I believe that we can teach kids Reiki in a way that is fun, engaging, and keeps their attention.  Clear and ethical training allows children to understand the limitations of Reiki and their abilities as Reiki Practitioners.  Reiki is a wonderful skill that everyone deserves the opportunity to learn if they would like to, regardless of their age.