3 Factors that Can Affect the Benefits of Reiki

Phyllis Furumoto quote

Phyllis Furumoto quote

The benefits of Reiki can be hard to explain.  As Phyllis Furumoto said in a Global Reiki Webinar interview, “I can’t really explain to you the benefit for you, but if you allow me to give you a treatment, then you will understand the benefit for yourself.” 

Reiki can induce relaxation and reduce stress.  It can cleanse and balance the energy body.  Reiki can clear toxins, strengthen the immune system and relieve pain and symptoms of illness.  It can release blocked and suppressed emotions and ease depression and anxiety.  It can increase energy levels, positive thinking and optimism.  Reiki can enhance personal awareness and creativity.  It can aid in solving problems, resolving conflict, and manifesting dreams.  It can bring peace and contentment. 

The problem is the benefits will vary for everyone.  The commitment of the recipient to do their part in their healing is one factor that can have a big impact on the benefits that person will receive from Reiki.  If the recipient doesn’t make lifestyle changes to alter the circumstances that originally caused their dis-ease, then the benefits of Reiki will likely be limited to short term relaxation and stress reduction.  On the other hand, if the recipient commits to trying not to anger or worry, to being grateful, hardworking, and kind, and to nurturing their body with proper exercise and nutrition in addition to receiving Reiki treatments, then they are likely to see much greater benefits.  Reiki does not actually heal anyone, it supports them in healing themselves, so they must be willing to do their part in their healing journey if they wish to see results.

Another factor that can affect the benefits a recipient will receive from Reiki is their own highest good.  While it seems logical to assume that healing is always in a person’s best interest, it is not always so.  Sometimes the discomfort we experience in life is an important part of our life purpose.  Unfortunately, pain and struggle are often needed to motivate personal growth, push us toward a particular path, or teach us compassion and important life lessons.  Reiki only works for our highest good, so if healing a particular ailment or situation is not in alignment with our highest good, it may not be resolved with Reiki.  However, in this situation Reiki can help still help us to grow and learn faster and keep us more comfortable during the process. 

One final factor I would like to mention that may affect the benefits of Reiki is the compatibly between the personal energy of the recipient and the Reiki practitioner.  When the recipient is comfortable and at ease with the practitioner, they will receive a greater benefit from the session.  Reiki can be an intimate experience and its best to experience it with someone with whom you resonate and feel good about it.  I recommend asking a Reiki practitioner any questions you may have about their experience, technique, or professional beliefs and preferences before booking a session with them.  Reading articles they have written or watching videos they may have published is another good way of getting to know a practitioner before making an appointment. 

The only way to know for sure what Reiki can do for you is to try it and see.  Try it with an open mind and with a willingness to work toward your own healing.  You may find it isn’t for you, or you may find that it is just what you needed to completely turn your life around…or something in between.  You can try Reiki for free by using the coupon code FIRST-FREE when booking an appointment with me here.