21 Day Challenge to Manifest Personal Change

21 Day Challenge to Manifest Personal Change


To manifest the changes that we want in our outer lives, we must start within.  According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, in order to change our reality, we must change our actions, to change our actions, we must change our emotions, and to change our emotions, we must change our thoughts.  We have to interrupt our cycle of being.  This means taking ourselves off autopilot and making a conscious effort.  To experiment with this process, I have created this challenge.   

  1. Decide on a change in yourself you would like to manifest.  Think of improvements you would like to see in your life.  Be sure to choose something that is personal and over which you have control.  Remember that you cannot manifest change in others, only yourself. 

    Example: I want to eat healthier and get more exercise to feel better and lose weight. 

  2. Write down the change you want to see in one or two sentences.  Write the change as if it is a fact that has already manifested.  Do not worry about making a plan to attain the change.  Trust that what needs to unfold for the change to happen will come naturally

    Example: I eat healthy and get enough exercise.  I feel good and am a healthy weight.

  3. As soon as you wake each morning, read the change you wrote down.  Read it several times. Say it out loud. Take a few moments to focus on it. Bring it into your conscious mind.  If you are a Reiki practitioner, begin doing self-Reiki over the solar-plexus now and continue to do so through the next step.  If you are not a Reiki practitioner, you are welcome and encouraged to go to https://www.crystalreikiwellness.com/reiki-box-blessings and make a free request for Reiki for support in this challenge. 

  4. Feel the truth of the change.  You will need to use your imagination here.  This may be a little hard at first but try to imagine the way you will feel when the change has happened.  Keep using your imagination until you actually feel yourself experiencing the emotions.  Harness those emotions and let them stay with you for several minutes.  Try to bring these feelings back into your consciousness several times throughout the day

    Example:  Imagine how your body will feel when it is being fed and maintained properly.  Think about how it will physically feel to be lighter.  Imagine the increased energy you will have.  Think about the way you will feel emotionally.  Imagine the pride and confidence you attain with the weight loss.

  5. Before you go to sleep each night and before you get out of bed each morning, focus on feelings of gratitude. Be deeply thankful for any and all good things in your life.  Let yourself get absorbed in the feeling and stay there for a few moments.  Being in a state of conscious gratitude is a key to open ourselves to receiving more to be grateful for. 

Complete steps 3-5 each day for 21 days.  Be consistent.  Keep a journal during this challenge and record the change you are trying to manifest and your experiences over the 21-day period.  This is a good way to get a clear idea of any progress you make.  Use the hashtag #21DayManifestingChallenge and share in the Crystal Reiki Wellness Spiritual Community that you are taking this challenge so that we can support you and help you to celebrate any progress you make towards your goal.