How Often is Reiki Needed to Maintain Wellness?

Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing

Most people feel good after a Reiki session.  They know right away if it is something they would like to experience again.  Those who enjoy it and find it beneficial often feel that it is something they should be doing regularly to maintain health.  But how regularly?  How often is Reiki needed to be most beneficial to us? 

The answer to this question is going to be different for everyone.  I think everything concerning our health and well-being is going to be personal and unique to us.  Depending on our lifestyles, commitment to our whole health, and environmental factors everyone’s needs are going to differ.  However, there are some basic guidelines I follow in my practice when it comes to making recommendations to clients for future sessions, as well as planning my own sessions. 

If a person has suffered from a long-standing, chronic dis-ease, one session will not be able to provide maximum benefit.  Multiple sessions and a commitment to healing are going to be necessary.  I like to start with four sessions on consecutive days, or as close to consecutive as possible, and then re-evaluate the situation to see if weekly or monthly sessions would be more appropriate going forward.  If it is a deep seeded problem, I will most likely recommend weekly sessions until healing is well under way and the recipient is feeling well. 

After the healing process has reached a point that the recipient is feeling strong and well and they are more relaxed and balanced, then monthly sessions are often efficient to maintain wellness.  If no chronic conditions are reported during the first session, then monthly sessions may be all that will ever be needed.  

Healers and lightworkers often need more regular care to be their best selves for their work.  Daily self-healing is important and should be made a priority.  I also believe it is good to receive Reiki from another practitioner on a monthly basis to aid us in maintaining optimal well-being.  It is good for us to be able to completely relax and just receive. 

Of course, this is just a guideline and each person should have their own personal wellness plan.  Reiki helps us to stay in touch with our physical and energetic bodies.  Physical and emotional sensations are messages to let us know if we are in proper alignment with our highest selves.  When they become unpleasant in any way, we know that something is out of alignment.  If we pay attention to the messages we receive from our bodies, we will know when we need to schedule a Reiki session.