3 Steps Towards Finding Peace

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How can we find peace with so much going on in the world right now?  Among the storms, fires, pandemic, political unrest, racial injustice, and gender discrimination that we see in the news each day people just want to find some peace.  It feels illusive to them, especially with the current events we’ve been facing.  Often the unrest we see happening in the world is mirrored in our personal lives, as well.  It’s a lot and we could all use a little peace.

So, where do we find it?  Inside ourselves.  Peace is not an external thing that we will be able to locate somewhere.  It is a state of mind.  Peace is obtained by finding the quiet space within us and focusing on that.  It is only through our inner being that true peace is possible.  If you are searching for peace, try following these steps.

1.       Accept current events and situations.  We cannot be at peace when we are in a state of resistance.  We must accept that things are as they are in this moment and let go of our judgements of them.  We cannot focus on what is disturbing our peace and find it at the same time. 

2.       Meditate every day.  Take time to be quiet, breathe consciously, and become still.  Peace is in the stillness.  The more often you practice, the more often you can experience peace.  When you are in a state of meditation, the peaceful energy you feel not only fills you, but surrounds you and influences your environment and our world. 

3.       Take right action.  Acceptance and stillness prepare us to take right action toward external peace.  Do not take action from a place of resistance, focused on problems.  When you find peace within yourself and then act from that place, you can bring it out into the world.  What causes are you drawn to?  What actions can be taken from a place of peace to help with those causes?  What talents and skills can you offer? 

When you accept what is and seek the stillness within, you will find inner peace.  When you act from a place of inner peace and love to contribute to solutions to problems you will see the effect it has on your external world.  The more you practice, the easier it will become to find peace whenever you need it.