Teaching Reiki Kids the Difference Between Healing and Curing

As practitioners and teachers of Reiki, we understand the healing potential this practice offers. However, it's essential to convey to our young students the critical distinction between healing and curing. Children, with their compassionate hearts, may find it challenging to accept that Reiki supports healing but doesn't always guarantee a cure. In this article, I will offer some ways to teach children this essential concept while helping them set realistic expectations when using Reiki.

Explaining Healing and Curing:

  1. Healing: Begin by explaining that healing involves making someone feel better physically, emotionally, or spiritually. You can use simple examples like how a band-aid helps a scraped knee feel better. Emphasize that healing can also mean making someone's heart feel happier when they are sad.

  2. Curing: Differentiate curing as when something makes an illness or problem completely go away, like when a doctor prescribes medicine to get rid of an ear infection. Explain that curing is not always possible for everything, and that's okay.

How Reiki Supports Healing:

  1. Reiki Energy: Children who are already familiar with Reiki basics may know that it involves channeling universal life energy. Explain that this energy helps the body, mind, and emotions to heal by bringing balance and relaxation.

  2. Imagery: Use imagery that children can relate to, such as comparing Reiki to sunshine. Just as sunshine gives energy to help flowers grow and feel better, Reiki helps people heal and feel better.

Setting Healthy Expectations:

  1. Listen and Empathize: Encourage children to listen to the person they are helping with Reiki. If someone is feeling pain, sadness, or discomfort, explain that Reiki can help ease these feelings. Reassure them that their efforts are valuable.

  2. No Guarantees: Make it clear that while Reiki is powerful, it doesn't always make everything go away. Explain that sometimes, like when someone is sick, it can take time to get better, or they might not fully recover. Reiki supports the process, but it doesn't promise a cure.

  3. Intentions Matter: Teach children the importance of setting positive intentions. Explain that when they send Reiki, they are sending love, comfort, and healing energy. Even if a complete cure isn't possible, their intentions can make a significant difference.

  4. Self-Care: Emphasize the importance of self-care for young practitioners. Just as they help others, they must also take care of themselves. Explain that this balance ensures they are well enough to continue helping others.

Teaching children the difference between healing and curing in Reiki is a valuable lesson that helps them grow into compassionate and realistic practitioners. By using simple language, relatable examples, and encouraging empathy, we can empower them to offer healing and support while setting healthy expectations.