Supporting Your Child's Reiki Journey

Attunement to 1st Degree Reiki is the first step on the journey towards becoming a Reiki practitioner, and it can be a very exciting time for a child who has just received this attunement. However, it can also be overwhelming, especially if the child is not sure what to do next. I want to share with you some tips for supporting a child who has just been attuned to 1st Degree Reiki, so that they can have fun with and explore this amazing healing art.

  1. Encourage them to practice on themselves. The first thing you can do to support your child is to encourage them to practice Reiki on themselves. This can be a powerful tool for self-care and can help your child develop a deeper connection with their own body and emotions. Encourage them to set aside a few minutes each day to practice Reiki on themselves, and to pay attention to how their body and mind respond to the energy.

  2. Provide them with opportunities to practice on others. Once your child feels comfortable practicing Reiki on themselves, you can provide them with opportunities to practice on others. This could be a family member, friend, or even a pet. Make sure that your child understands the importance of asking for permission before practicing on someone else, and that they respect the other person's boundaries. This can be a great way for your child to develop their Reiki skills and gain confidence in their abilities.

  3. Help them explore different techniques. There are many different techniques that can be used in Reiki, and your child may enjoy exploring these different techniques to find what works best for them. They can experiment with the tradition hand placements and intuitive hand placements.  They can also try different ways of positioning their hands, for example cupped or with the fingers spread.  They can do Reiki with their hands lightly touching the body or with them slightly over the body.  Encourage your child to experiment with different techniques and to pay attention to how they feel during and after the practice.

  4. Practice together. Practicing Reiki together with your child can be a great way to bond and support each other's healing journey. You can take turns practicing on each other, and you can also share your experiences and insights with each other. This can help your child feel more connected to the practice and to you as their parent.

  5. Attend a Reiki Circle together. Consider attending a Reiki Circle or Reiki Share with your child.  This can be a great way to deepen your child's understanding of Reiki and to connect with other practitioners. Make sure that the group is appropriate for your child's age and level of experience.

Attunement to 1st Degree Reiki can be a very exciting time for a child, but it can also be overwhelming if they are not sure what to do next. By encouraging your child to practice on themselves, providing opportunities to practice on others, helping them explore different techniques, practicing together, and attending a Reiki class or workshop together, you can support your child in their Reiki journey and help them have fun with and explore this amazing healing art.

Level 1 Reiki Kids Bundle

Do you want to teach a child Reiki? With 6 easy to read children’s books, 9 activities, and 3 info-graphics this digital download bundle has all you need to teach Level 1 Reiki to children.