Use Your Imagination

I have studied a lot of different teachers of the Law of Attraction.  There are a few things that seem to be agreed upon among them all.  One of them is the importance of the use of your imagination.  You have to be able to see what it is you want, feel what it would be like to have it, and know it’s coming to you.  You must be able to experience something that hasn’t manifested yet. 

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When Inspiration to Manifest Fizzles

Have you ever had this happen? You get an idea, and it feels great. You start working on it and you get totally in the flow. Everything is going along and great…. just rolling along… and then all of the sudden it isn’t. The flow has been interrupted. Usually, our own thoughts do the interrupting. Is this as good as I think it is? Maybe this isn’t really a great idea after all. This seems to be taking too long to manifest. Are challenges a sign this is wrong for me? Maybe I should just give up.

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Virtual Travel with Visualization and Reiki

I have decided I am going to do some virtual traveling. I am going to use technology, imagination, and Reiki to broaden my horizons and enjoy new experiences. The project will have two payoffs. First, I will get a little visualized respite, a mental getaway to help me clear my mind and refresh. Second, I will be energetically aligning myself with the trips I am going to take in the future, thereby attracting them to me according to Universal Law.

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