Finding Stillness in a Chaotic Mind

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Often in the past few months, I have found myself feeling overwhelmed.  I have been overwhelmed by the news, by the energy we have all been experiencing, by housework, business tasks, education, parenting…the list goes on.  However, it is not really all these things that are overwhelming me, it is my thoughts about these things.  I am overwhelmed when I can’t stop thinking about the news headlines, when I’m thinking about the way people are acting out the energetic vibes, thinking about all the work that needs to be done, thinking about what I still need to learn, thinking about what I need to teach my kids…thinking. 

Thinking is something we do habitually, whether is serves us in a particular moment or not.  Most of us could be described as being addicted to thinking.  We feel uncomfortable in silence or stillness and our mind automatically moves to fill the space with thought.  More often than not, our thoughts are automatically running through our mind with no real direction from us, and often without much attention from us, either.  All the thoughts constantly swirling through our minds can be chaotic and overwhelming. 

Finding stillness in all the chaos of our minds can have great benefits.  At the most basic level, it gives us a reprieve and lowers our stress and anxiety.  It helps us to get in touch with our bodies and our world.  Taking it deeper, according to Eckhart Tolle’s teachings, moments without thought are the key to finding a new dimension of consciousness within ourselves. 

How then, do we find this stillness in the chaos of all our thoughts? Here are some suggestions.

1.       Mindful Breath:  Fully concentrating on even a single breath offers us a moment of stillness.  Mindful breathing can be done for a little as a single breath or for as long as we feel moved to practice it.  It is often the easiest way of stepping out of them moment and finding stillness.

2.       Notice and Let Go of Thoughts:  There are often times that we are not even fully aware of the thoughts we are having.  They seem to run through our minds on autopilot. Try to take some time to notice the thoughts you are having.  Just notice what thoughts come to your mind without judging or trying to stop them.  Notice them, and then imagine them drifting easily, naturally away from you. 

3.       Guided Meditation:  Sometimes when we are struggling with racing or persistent thoughts, it is easier to relax and let them go by focusing on directed thought through guided meditation.  There are many guided meditations to choose from.  I enjoy Jason Stephenson’s guided meditations on YouTube.  I suggest people try listening to several different meditations and find what resonates with them and helps them relax the most. 

4.       Reiki:  Reiki is a very calming and relaxing modality.  Reiki can assist us in calming an overactive mind and finding the stillness that is within us.  I find the hand positions over the crown of the head and the forehead to be very soothing and supportive when I am trying to still my thoughts and just be.  Self-Reiki can be used to induce this effect, by I think it is nice to have another practitioner give me Reiki while I just let go of all thought and let myself exist.   

These are a few methods I have used to find stillness when my mind feels chaotic.  If you are struggling calming your mind, please give them a try and see if the work for you.  If not, do not give up.  What works for one person may not work for another.  Continue to research ideas and experiment until you are able to find what does work for you.  The benefit of lowered stress and mental clarity will be well worth the effort.